Given the increase in the number of humans, it appears that reaching a more balanced situation in the near and distant future is improbable and recognition of existential rights for all the components of the
planet and impossibility of parity with human rights is problematic; the resources and usable territory of the
Earth are limited and appear to leave little room for hope.
Resources are not equably distributed nor are the basic necessities for a dignified existence
guaranteed, those where every person’s freedom and right to life on the planet is sanctioned; freedom is not
just formal theoretical rights, for a usable freedom to exist certain inalienable rights must be exercised. The
imbalance between a lot and a little and the inhuman distance between the worthy and second or third-best
is always deplorable. It is an existence that is distant from the protection of life, despite its constant
reference to human life (man is the highest) it fails to protect the dignity of animal and vegetable life.
A contradiction born from human schizophrenia.
The mandate for ethical behaviour collapses in view of this insensitivity, it debases magnificent love which becomes conceited and loses its distinctive character; whereas we should love and respect every single person and the whole of the planet because only in this way will we have demonstrated that conceit and stupidity have been eliminated.
A few more thoughts on love are necessary, and I am aware that this may provoke strong feelings in some.
The proud and ill-prepared human element puts a limit on the framework within which love, that
animates and enlivens everything, is collocated.
Is the love we so often hear mentioned authentic love, or is it, sadly, something else? Perhaps it is better to say that authentic love is often contaminated and devalued of feeling or interest. Praises have been sung, and rightly too, regarding maternal love, but it is often enclosed within the confines of property and rarely extended into other environments.
It is limited to close relatives, following suit just like everybody else.
Is Mother Bear’s love for her cub love or instinct? Perhaps it is instinct ennobled by a little love? These reflections lead us to believe that authentic love is linked to liberty, and this is an exclusively human
Uncontaminated love is only possible where love is free, it cannot be selfishly directed or limited.
It is driven by pure spontaneity and has no ulterior motives.
Does love suffer from too much egoism? Inhuman signs are often understated, perhaps we
forget, in the name of love, that which should not be forgotten.
Our primary right-duty is to love our children, but we extend this love, or respect, to our surroundings.
Other reflections are possible; this will already have been perceived by those who are willing to understand and are open to “talking from the heart”.
Every couple feels the gratifying duty to give life to one other couple, so as not to deprive others of a dignified existence. Introduce into our rationale and emotions a respect for the existential rights of animals, plants, the seas, mountains and a natural dynamic ecological balance.
If love is to remain intact it must take into account and affectionately respect the terrestrial plane
in which it operates and receives all that is necessary to live and love.
Anthropocentrism also influences the demographic question; growth linked to economic
and/or commercial factors creates more damage than benefit and contributes to altering the harmonious
evolutionary rhythms and reciprocal relationships in human society. It disrupts nature even more and
tarnishes the human figure.
It has been a severe regression rather than an improvement; we must seek other paths to progress, real equable progress.
Let us avoid using the word love, which is often hypocritically or misleadingly used, and introduce the
feeling of love, pure unsoiled feeling.
Those who consider themselves to be experts, even though they know very little continue to propagate devalued truths, truths that have been dismantled by lear evidence.
They stubbornly continue to repeat presumed truths but not as pompous advertising
slogans, they are humbly convinced of them and call into question others’ rationality and good sense.
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