mercoledì 11 novembre 2015


By the recent publication of the book "1543-Defeat Global geocentricism" we publish the preface:

1543. At first glance, the title might be listed as an additional treatise on astronomy, a historical book, but science behind one date is a hidden world that the author has tried to understand and appreciate the reader.

1543, the year of birth of the Copernican revolution. A careless readers or surface, it might seem a trivial date like many others, for a reader a little more careful a date scientific importance, but in our author is the year zero, in which the light of subversion comes to light and pierce the darkness of human pride. A first impression seems complicated to give a worthy identification to this book, not because it is difficult to understand but because every attempt to catalog would be useless and reductive. The author covers every possible kind touching history, physics, religion, current events. The underlying theme of the whole is always the simple but crucial date, 1543. The author exposes not a theory but a simple observation to everyone and that man before the Copernican revolution, for its natural limits and is believed King center of the universe. Carmelo Briguglio, in complete humility and always declaring his mere insignificance of human beings, part of a wonderful all around us, wants to stimulate the reader to expand their horizons, to get off that pedestal self-costruitosi to watch not to dull blind but with eyes of wonder, the beautiful land, our UNIQUE HOUSE and the universe, that should make us remember that we are only small pieces of a huge puzzle. The author feels compelled bitterly denounce everything and everyone: the so-called great ones of the earth.Politicians greedy for wealth, good artists only in their old small fields of study, religious leaders who declare their direct contact with a God that you can not know the date that vast distance between the Creator and the creature. All guilty of arrogant pride and above all narrow-minded belief that they are the best and that they have the absolute truth. But as Carmel, in a world in which reigns its no place for this imaginative man in full and absolute humility he should recognize it. Certainly the move from rags to riches is not easy, but neat and clean the stables if they can issue a clarity as to leave you breathless. Our Carmelo can 'be labeled as visionary, utopian, crazy? For some possibly could be, but he stubbornly from Don Quixote armored dignity of being man and armed with sword of thirst for knowledge continues undaunted to seek the truth. This book is a work full of pessimism, but appreciation of everyone. The insignificance, concept that could make everyone cringe for the author becomes a solid pedestal anchored in solid rock from which hurl toward horizons that can not be matched by any assumed future paradise built by human imagination. In our paradise is here, we live daily. It's up to us to decide if they want to know and live in harmony with everything else around us, surrounding us, to create the network, the connective tissue that can only leave us only out of breath.
This is the invitation of the author, not a poet, not a writer but a blind man who can see better than all of us and who first heard questioning and looking more than anything else, the confrontation, the debate , why, of all things.
An immense book, a few pages.
Gabriele Di Stefano

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